Yesterday, on the third anniversay of Russia's recognition of Abkhazia's independence, Aleksandr Ankvab was elected President of the Republic of Abkhazia. Mr. Ankvab received 54.86% of the vote. His rivals, Sergey Shamba and Raul Khajimba, received 21.04% and 19.83%, respectively. Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev has already called Mr. Ankvab to congratulate him on his victory.
The election saw a strong turnout, with 71.92% of eligible voters participating. I visited several polling stations in Novy Afon and Sukhum. Also, I spoke to observers from the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Russia and other nations. Polling was well organized and the voting was characterized as free and fair.
As the news spread late last night of the result in Mr. Ankvab's favor, Sukhum was calm and peaceful. A few supporters spread through town with Abkhaz flags attached to their cars and others could be heard toasting to Abkhazia's future. Abkhazia, although small, is clearly both independent and democratic. The maturity of democratic institutions in Abkhazia should serve as model to others in the Caucasus Region. Congratulations!!
Sukhum at Sunset- Election Day, August 26, 2011